Comparing Triangles: Support Notes

  1. “Turn”
    Be aware that the word “turn” has multiple meanings in English, and that it is used in two separate manners in the problem – once referring to rotations of geometric figures and another time to describe someone’s “go” or turn in an order (“Now it’s your ‘turn’ to compare some shapes”(top of page 2)). Spanish and Portuguese have a cognate for “turn” – turno. However, “turno” in Spanish and Portuguese is not used to describe movement around a point (rotation).
  2. “Lies”
    The word “lies” is used in the problem to refer to a location/position on a line segment (point A lies somewhere on side CD, page 5). It may be helpful to clarify the difference between “lie” -- as in “to tell a lie -- and “lie” – to “lie somewhere.”  A student who is familiar with the first meaning of the word but not the second might be led to believe the point referenced in the problem isn’t actually on the line segment. That is, it’s fake (a fraud).