Professional Development Resources
- We recently developed and studied a series of seminar sessions integrated with classroom inquiry cycles (CIC) with funding from the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A110076 to Education Development Center, Inc. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education. In this professional development program, each seminar session includes a set of engagements with mathematics concepts, mathematical diagramming, language support and production strategies, analysis of student work, and instructional routines so that teachers ar eequipped to make all of these available to ELs at any and all English proficiency levels. Each seminar session is complemented by a CIC, wherein teachers implement the instructional routine studied in the seminar session, and then discuss evidence of student learning collected by an observer. These professional development resources are available with the book, Mathematical Thinking and Communication: Access for English Learners, now available from Heinemann.
Conference Papers and Presentations
- Nikula, J. Asturias, H., & Buffington, P. Access and Production for English Learners—What's the Role of Mathematical Diagrams? Presentation at the NCSM Annual Conference. Oakland, CA, April 11, 2016.
- Nikula, J. & Mark, J. Supporting and learning from English learners’ mathematical visual representations . Presentation at the Teachers Development Group 2016.
- Driscoll, M. & Nikula, J. Access for English Learners: The Role of Mathematical Visual Representations. Webinar Presentation for i3 STEM Community. February 25, 2016.
- Nikula, J. & DePiper, J.N. Mathematical Thinking and Communication: Access for English Learner Students. Webinar for Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands English Language Learners Alliance Bridge Event. December 8, 2015.
- Nikula, J. Diagrams Used for Mathematical Thinking: Supporting English Learners. Presentation at the NCTM Institute: Engaging Students in Learning: Mathematical Practices and Process Standards for Grades 3-8. Anaheim, CA. July 28, 2015.
- Nikula, J. & Driscoll, M. The Many Faces of Diagrams: Supporting Mathematical Reasoning and Communication for All Students. Presentations at the NCSM Annual Conference. Boston, MA. April 15, 2015.
- DePiper, J.N., Heck, D., & Fernandes, A. Task Design to Support English Learners’ Geometric Record Keeping. Poster presented at the NCTM Research Conference. Boston, MA. April, 13, 2015.
- Driscoll, M. & Nikula, J. Languages Access and Mathematics. Presentation at the Regional Education Laboratory Northeast and Islands Bridge Event: Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners in Elementary and Middle School. Hartford, CT, November 6, 2014.
- Driscoll, M. & Nikula, J. & Neumayer DePiper, J. "Strategies for Teachers to Support ELs in Mathematical Reasoning and Communication" Presentation at the Massachusetts STEM Summit 2014. Worcester, MA, October 22, 2014.
- Driscoll, M. "Visual Representations Supporting Mathematics Learning and communication for English Learners." Presentation at the Boston Teacher Residency program. Boston, MA February, 2014.
- Driscoll, M. & Asturias, H. "Using diagrams as Tools for communicating mathematical Reasoning." Presentation at the Conferences for the Advancement of Mathematics Teachintg (CAMT). San Antonio, TX, July 2013.
- Driscoll, M. "Teaching Mathematics to English Language Learners: The Importance of Diagramming." Presentation at the Western Massachusetts Mathematics Partnership Summer Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Amerherst, MA, July 2013.
- Strategies for Supporting English Learners in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Presenters: Johannah Nikula, Mark Driscoll & Jill Neumayer-Depiper. 2014 TODOS conference - Mathematics for All. Chandler, AZ. June 26-28, 2014.
- Strategies for Supporting English Learners in the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Presenters: Johannah Nikula and Mark Driscoll. 2014 National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. Leadership in Mathematics Education. New Orleans, April 7-9, 2014.
AVR and LanguageStrategiesOverview_NCSM2014(handout).pdf
- Professional Development Integrating Math and Language Supports for Students who are English Learners. Presenters: Johannah Nikula & Mark Driscoll. 2014 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Leadership in Mathematics Education. New Orleans, April 7-9, 2014.
- Visual Representations Supporting Mathematics Learning and Communication for English Learners. Presenters: Mark Driscoll and Johannah Nikula
2014 Leadership Seminar on Mathematics Professional Development. Teachers Development Group. Portland, OR. February 12-15, 2014
- Driscoll, M. Using Diagrams As Tools for Communicating Mathematical Reasoning. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX, July 2013
- Regional Educational Laboratory at EDC: English Language Learners Alliance
- PowerUp What Works ( -- guides teachers, PD facilitators, and school leaders to integrate technology into the Math and ELA curriculum so that ELL students, struggling students, and those with disabilities can meet the Common Core State Standards.